
Ocean & Beach

Walk on the beach

A walk on the beach is just 5 steps from the apartment door, literally!

In Mexico, all beaches are PUBLIC. That means that you can walk on any beach anywhere in the country.

Of course that means that the beach in front of the apartment is also public! It can get a bit busy on major holidays (like Easter), but it’s also almost always empty early in the morning. Early morning is the best time for a beach walk anyway!

Note: It’s best to wear water-shoes or sandals when walking on public beaches. While rare, there may be broken glass from inconsiderate visitors. Also, dogs roam freely on beaches here, and they sometimes leave a “mess” behind too.

Surfing or Stand-Up Paddleboard

If you turn right as you exit onto the beach, you walk towards the fisherman’s harbor. Just before you get there, you will find “Stinky’s Surf”. Stinky’s is named after “stinky river”, don’t worry:  neither the person running the surf shack nor their prices “stink”. In fact, Stinky’s is one of the best places to rent surfboards or stand-up paddleboards and have an adventure in the waves. Don’t forget to ask for a lifejacket too (even if they say you don’t need one, get one anyway – they’re free).


Marietas Boat Tour & Hidden Beach

The Marietas Islands are about 6km off the coast of Punta de Mita. The two uninhabited islands are a national marine park and UNESCO-listed biosphere reserve and protected area. They are the home of the blue-footed booby, an incredible species of marine bird, with distinctive bright blue feet!


Wow, so blue!

As well as these boobies above, there are 85 other birds species that nest on or visit  the Marietas: seagulls, terns,frigate birds, pelicans, brown boobies, cormorants, egrets, storks, hawks, falcons, vultures, and more.

Book a tour from any tour operator (or at Stinky’s Surf School) for $75-$100 per person. Ask if the price you are quoted includes the marine-park pass (government fee) or ask if you need to bring cash with you on the day of the tour to buy the pass.

Tour will include a boat ride from the fisherman’s harbor in Punta Mita to the islands and guided tour around the islands and may also include optional extras (for an added fee):

  • Private boat (no other guests)
  • Snorkeling (add-on)
  • Hidden Beach (only 116 people per day allowed!)
  • Whale Watching

Bird Watching (from the balcony!)

Mexico is one of the world’s 12 “megadiverse” biospheres, which contain 60% of all species on the planet. You don’t have to go far to see them, as you will notice the first time you step out on the balcony.

One of our favorite pastimes is to sit on the balcony and watch the birds.

One of the most fascinating birds you don’t see often is the pelican. From the balcony you can see dozens of pelicans fishing all day, dive-bombing the waters for sardines and other small fish. Once you start paying attention you will notice dozens of other bird species all around. The majestic frigate birds, soar  high above, identified by their distinctive wing shape, like an inverted W. Sandpipers, egrets and storks feed at the water’s edge, running up to the waves to pluck fish or small worms from the sand. Vultures and hawks circle high above, looking for prey. Dozens of black grackles fly by in big groups and gather in the trees, making a mighty ruckus! Crows and gulls drop in to drink from the pool, take a bath, or steal some left-over food if they can get a chance.

All of this happens every day right outside your window. You don’t even need to go anywhere. It’s one of the reasons we love Mexico!

See how many bird species you can identify. Here’s a helpful guide

Ranchos Beach Walk (25-minute hike each way)

As you exit onto the beach, turn left to walk towards the “Ranchos” private villas. A 25-minute walk will take you to a huge beach on a “hidden” cove. It’s almost always completely empty of any tourists and locals. You have to walk across and over some rocky sections (you’ll need some sturdy water shoes or sandals), but it’s worth it!

Pack some water, sunscreen, an umbrella, and a picnic and you could spend a couple of hours on this amazing beach.


Day Trips

Trips by car or bus

If you have a car, you can also visit many of the lovely surrounding towns on a day trip, such as:

  • Sayulita (hippy, artist and surfer town)
  • San Pancho/San Francisco (quaint town with galleries)
  • La Cruz de Huanacaxtle (fishing village with farmers market)
  • Bucerias (giant beach and many restaurants) and of course
  • Puerto Vallarta itself!

Shuttle services (taxis, SUVs and vans) can be booked with a variety of tour companies, but tend to be quite expensive. If you book a tour however, they will often include transport from Punta Mita in the tour price.

You can also take one of the local buses, for a very low price. The ATM (Autostransportes Medina) buses run regularly from Punta Mita to Puerto Vallarta and cost between 15 and 25 pesos. This inexpensive bus line is how all the locals get around and the buses can be crowded, noisy and old. If you don’t speak Spanish, this is not a good option!

... and so much more

This is only a tiny list of all the things you can do in and around Punta Mita. There are dozens of tour companies offering ocean tours, fishing, surfing, snorkeling etc.

Tour sites: